Unplowed Ground Therapist

Are you a therapist or counselor serving families with children affected by developmental trauma?

Annual Membership includes:

Upset african american curly girl sitting on couch at clinic, having conversation with child psychologist black man, answering questions and looking down. Behavioral disorders in teenagers

to the Unplowed Ground vault (all online trainings, workbooks, and ebooks)

with Unplowed Ground Therapist Liaison and Therapeutic Parenting Specialist, Jaime Harris.

to Unplowed Ground Jumpstart for observation and Unplowed Ground Therapist events.

Unplowed Ground tools & resources to share with clients

Services Packet with full-color brochures and resource documents to share with families

Join Today

Pricing Options for Unplowed Ground Therapist Membership:

Individual Membership

$ 299
ONE MONTH FREE Trial Billed Annually
Ideal for an individual therapist looking to refer families with children from trauma to Unplowed Ground.

Business Level Membership

$ 275
One month free trial Billed Annually Per User
Ideal for a group of 2-5 therapists working with families who have children from trauma.

Practice Level

$ 250
one month free trial billed Annually Per User
Ideal for therapist offices looking to buy 6-10 licenses for their whole practice working with families with children from trauma.

Unplowed Ground families are most successful when they have a support team surrounding them, including a therapist who can support their efforts at home.

Family Testimonials

Hear What Parents are saying about Unplowed Ground:

I am so grateful for the support offered by King’s Ranch. Not only have we gained helpful tools for our family, we know there is an understanding team who pray for us and really know what we are going through and the sort of encouragement and support we need.

Unplowed Ground Mom

“The tools we gained from Unplowed Ground to help parent our adopted child were priceless. We are so grateful. I was ready to give up. I had no idea how to handle these strange behaviors, and my buttons were always pushed. I can now appropriately handle my child and help him to learn how to manage his own behaviors. We are far from perfect, but have made so much progress.”

Unplowed Ground Family

“We struggled for several years with our first two adopted children. We didn’t know what it was… but we knew something was wrong and we couldn’t figure it out. Then we were trained in Unplowed Ground, and it has completely changed our family and our home! We finally saw that our kids needed something from us that we weren’t providing. We fully believe that God led us to Unplowed Ground to be equipped and empowered in order for our children to find true healing, which comes from Him alone.”

Unplowed Ground Family

“Before implementing Unplowed Ground, our 3 year old was very aggressive with our two other children, was very defiant when instructed to do anything, was throwing major temper tantrums, etc. After Unplowed Ground, her behavior did a complete turn around. She is no longer aggressive and the defiance has slowly faded away. She is thriving, and we are thriving, because we now have tools to use with her that are effective and tailored for her needs.”

Unplowed Ground Family
Wrap Around Support

In Unplowed Ground, parents are equipped with strategies to:


their child’s heart soil by passing the five trust tests


a root of trust by revisiting the first years of life.


thorns of trauma by giving children a voice and using brain-healing communication techniques.

A Note from Lee Anne Cooper

I know what it feels like to live in confusing chaos, to give your love to a child who only pushes it away. Years ago, when my husband and I first brought a child who had suffered from developmental trauma into our home, we tried parenting her the way we had our healthy children. Despite both of our medical trainings and our years of experience parenting four healthy, well-adjusted children, we failed.

This placed me on a journey to be equipped. I had the opportunity to work with and be trained by the top attachment specialists in the nation. I founded King’s Ranch, a residential facility for abused, neglected, and abandoned children, where for over 15 years I parented children with severe developmental trauma and multiple failed adoptions. These were children whom adoption specialists, mental health professionals, social workers, and family services directors deemed unable to ever function in a home environment. With the right parenting techniques, we saw many of them heal from developmental trauma and reactive attachment disorder. Moving toward more secure connections, they were then adopted by loving forever families, whom we equipped with the same therapeutic parenting techniques for long-term success.

Lee Anne CooperRNP, Author of Unplowed Ground and Therapeutic Parenting Specialist

In 2011, I began to compile the best of the strategies I had learned and tested over my years of experience parenting traumatized children. Unplowed Ground is the result.

When God called me to open my heart and my home to abused, neglected, and abandoned children, He gave me the name King’s Ranch. My greatest hope then is still my greatest hope today — that every child might know that they are a child of the King. I would love to partner with you to make that a reality in our communities and in our world today.

How to equip your clients with Unplowed Ground:


We work alongside therapists just like you with the hundreds of families we serve. When you refer a family to Unplowed Ground, we commit to equipping and coaching them, allowing you to focus on providing your professional expertise with effective interventions in a therapy setting.

Be Trained

Being trained in Unplowed Ground parenting yourself can bring a level of specialization to your therapy practice that will empower you to help more children and families. Our Unplowed Ground Therapist Portal includes unlimited access to the entire Unplowed Ground Vault — with every training video, every online course, and every printable resource.

Support Families

At King’s Ranch, we believe every child deserves a family, and every family deserves to be equipped and supported to help their child heal. You support Unplowed Ground families when you encourage parents to keep up the important work of cultivating the soil of their challenging child’s heart.

Thank you for what you do!!!