Weekly Help
Personalized & Effective Coaching
In weekly live video calls, the Unplowed Ground Coordinator answers each of your questions and offers customized trauma-informed solutions for your child’s current struggles, behavior challenges, and relationship barriers. Also, you will be assigned a personal Certified Unplowed Ground Parent Coach to walk you through the program, break down each module, and provide weekly consultations for continued support.

You Are Not Alone
Understanding & Supportive Community
Throughout the program, you will have the opportunity to connect and hear from other parents who understand the unique journey of loving a child from trauma and waiting to see them heal.
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How Unplowed Ground Jumpstart Works
Jumpstart FAQs

Specialized and Practical Skills
In Unplowed Ground Jumpstart, you’ll be coached how to…
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We understand and have been where you are
Lee Cooper's Testimonial
Watch the video to hear Lee Anne Cooper’s testimonial of how King’s Ranch Ministries began and how years of working with children from trauma led us to where we are today.
Hear From Unplowed Ground Families